Perplex Privacy Policy

Collection of Information

Perplex collects information in the following ways, depending on your use of the Service and your account settings:

  • We collect information from you directly, such as when you create an account, communicate with us, participate in activities, events or surveys, complete problems or exercises, or otherwise provide information during your use of the Service.
  • We collect some information automatically, such as information about your use of the Service and the devices you use to access the Service.

Examples of information we may collect includes:

  • Account registration information (username and email)
  • Information about your browser or device, and general location
  • Information you may provide in connection with specific features or special programs
  • Non-personal information which may be linked to your personal information, including Information about your use of our Service

Use of information

Perplex uses information collected for the purposes of:

  • providing the Service
  • personalizing your experience
  • communicating with you about your account and our Service (including responding to inquiries and sharing information about new features and offerings that may be of interest)
  • understanding and improving our Service, and developing new or improved educational offerings

We may also use non-personal data elements (such as de-identified, anonymized or aggregated usage information and feedback) for product development, research, analytics and other purposes, including for the purpose of analyzing, improving or marketing our Service, for demonstrating the impact of our Service, or conducting educational research.

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